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Rivela - Shoe You Can Peel

Originally created as a customization concept - the product appeals on both a functional & emotional level. You dictate how the product develops over time. Bored of how it looks Peel away, until you fall in love with the shoe all over again…

The concept is simple, evolving each season applying different peelable graphics/colors to the same base construction/pattern(s).  Designer: David Sheridan, Source: yankodesign


2007/06/19 05:30 2007/06/19 05:30
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  • Fashion 2007/06/19 05:30
2007/06/19 14:26 | EDIT/DEL | REPLY
상용화 되어있는 신발은 아니죠?ㅎ
혀니 2007/06/20 02:21 | EDIT/DEL
디자인 자체는 상용화를 목적으로 나온것으로 알고있습니다~
현재(실제)판매되고 있는지는..모르겠네요^^
2009/02/21 11:02 | EDIT/DEL | REPLY
심플하고 좋네요 ㅎ
2011/11/02 15:01 | EDIT/DEL | REPLY
뒤를 접어신는 분들을 위한 제품같네요 ㅎ 슬리퍼겸용