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넥타이핀 MP3 - Anything Can Be An MP3 Player

The tie clip MP3 player is exactly what is says, a tie clip MP3 player. What’s a tie clip? For shame! A tie clip is a simple clasp or clip used to keep the two dangling ends of a tie together. Sometimes it’s even clipped to the dress shirt underneath so your tie won’t move. Now, throw in a single line LCD, some simple play/stop controls, and a little flash memory and you’ve got yourself a tie clip MP3 player.

You can even use it as a messaging panel, like a “Hello, my name is. . ., ” or casually slip into the Republican convention with “Bush Sucks” flashing for all to see.

Designer: Jin Woo Han    Source: frederiksamuel

2007/08/29 00:30 2007/08/29 00:30
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2007/08/29 09:32 | EDIT/DEL | REPLY
첫컷 손톱깍기인줄 알았다가~ㅎㅎㅎㅎ;;
폼나네요~ 텍스트도 보여지고~ㅎㅎ 음악들으면서..룰루랄라~♪ㅋ 넥타이핀 굳~^^
혀니 2007/08/29 11:47 | EDIT/DEL
요거 탐나죠~ 스타일도 기분도 좋을것같아요 굿굿^^